Thursday, February 19, 2009

Easing Psoriasis

Showers & Baths for People With Psoriasis
Showering & bathing can improve psoriasis lesions by softening & hydrating the thick, scaly patches, says Dr. Wu, but staying in the water long can dry out your skin & lead to more itching & flaking. they advises limiting showers & baths to ten minutes & using lukewarm water, because hot water increases blood flow to the skin, which can make psoriasis plaques more red & irritated. It is also important to use a non-irritating soap. Dr Wu recommends using a body wash instead of bar soap, which can be drying. they recommends Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Body Wash, which contains oatmeal proteins & lipids to help soothe & hydrate scaly skin.

Psoriasis, a chronic condition caused by an overactive immune process & marked by white, silvery, or red patches of flaking skin, can be itchy, painful, & embarrassing. It is important for those with psoriasis to manage the condition on a daily basis to prevent & treat outbreaks, also known as flares. Read on for advice from dermatologist Jessica Wu, MD, Everyday Health's skin & beauty expert.

Moisturizer for People With Psoriasis
Applying moisturizer after a shower or bath helps lock in hydration & minimizes the flaking of psoriatic scales. Dr. Wu advises patients to pat dry after a shower — rubbing can irritate skin — & use a moisturizer with rich emollients, such as glycerin & shea butter. Dr. Wu suggests trying Olay Body Quench Mousse in the morning, because it absorbs quickly, & the heavier Olay Body Quench Body Lotion in the evening.

Clothing for People With Psoriasis
Since psoriasis is often itchy, it's best for those with the condition to avoid clothes made with wool & synthetic fibers, which can trap heat & further irritate skin that's already inflamed, says Dr. Wu. Wear looser-fitting, soft clothing made of lightweight natural fibers such as cotton, linen, & bamboo, which wick away sweat & won't rub against irritated skin. If you're experiencing lots of flaking, stick to lighter colors, which help to hide the flakes. Some people with psoriasis are sensitive to bleach and/or fabric softener, so it's best for them to avoid these products or run clothes & sheets through an extra rinse cycle.

Stress plays a major role in the occurrence of psoriatic outbreaks, so it's important for those with psoriasis to keep it in check. The exact reason is unknown, but stress hormones may stimulate an already overactive immune process & can increase itching, says Dr. Wu. Meditation, yoga, & acupuncture are all effective stress relievers. Although the scientific evidence of the effect of these practices on psoriasis is mixed, some patients have reported that they are helpful.

Diet, Exercise & Stress Management for Psoriasis
A high BMI (25 or higher) is associated with an increased incidence of psoriatic outbreaks, so this is another important reason to eat nutritiously, exercise, & maintain a healthy body weight, says Wu. As for specific foods that may ease or aggravate psoriasis, the jury is still out. People may report that omega-3 fatty acids seem to improve their psoriasis, but the evidence so far is inconclusive. Wu suggests keeping a food journal to look for possible links between specific foods & changes in the condition of your skin. four item proven to aggravate psoriasis: alcohol. Those with psoriasis should consider cutting it out entirely during an outbreak.

Smoking, , aggravates psoriasis, which is yet another reason to quit.

Sun Exposure for People With Psoriasis
Sunlight can be an effective treatment for psoriasis, says Dr. Wu, because it contains ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, which have been shown to suppress inflammation in the skin. It is best to receive phototherapy treatments in the safety of a doctor's office. These treatments are time-consuming, however, which makes them impractical for lots of people. As a substitute, it's okay to get some natural sunlight, but limit your sun exposure to no over four to ten minutes at a time, four to twice a week, cautions Wu. It's very important to avoid getting sunburned, as a sunburn can worsen existing plaques & trigger new outbreaks. Those with psoriasis should always discuss sun exposure & phototherapy treatments with their doctor first; certain medications can actually increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun.

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