Friday, February 13, 2009

Relationship Between Stress and Psoriasis

This was a recent discovery by my psoriasis treatment that links stress to be major cause of psoriasis. It has been proved through clinical studies that stress is a major contributing factor to cause or flare up psoriasis. Medical research has also proved that many people with psoriasis can point to a particular incident or chain of events that caused stress in their lives. The question which comes to our mind is how does stress lead to psoriasis? Scientists have found that people with psoriasis have a greater number of nerves in their skin that emit substances called "neuro-peptides." These are chemical messengers that help transmit nerve impulses. Based on these findings researchers believe that neuro-peptides help trigger or aggravate psoriasis.

The events that could lead to stress and make psoriasis symptoms worse, differ from person to person. In some case it may be due to job related stress, financial worries, children’s higher education, family problems and at times even positive events like marriages or the birth of a new child can trigger psoriasis.

The effects of high amount of stress on the body and mind is that it can generate unwanted physical and emotional side effects and cause abnormal behavior. This could include trouble in concentrating, disturbed sleep, high blood pressure, anger, bad temper, anxiety, feelings of depression and irritation.

There are several ways to manage stress and control psoriasis from flaring up. The best you could follow are remembering events that could cause stress can help. Studies have proved that people who could identify the stressful event that triggered their psoriasis did their best to cope with the condition.

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