Monday, February 16, 2009

Seriousness of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a common skin disease that comes in different forms & varying levels of severity. It affects up to 3 percent of populations worldwide. Most researchers agree that it is an auto-immune disease. It is a common skin disease characterised by thickened patches of inflamed red skin, sometimes accompanied by painful joint swelling & stiffness.This skin condition most often appears on the scalp, elbows & knees. Psoriasis affects between 1-3% of the population. It varies in severity from mild to severe. Psoriasis can start at any age. Areas of the skin grow much faster than normal & form red, scaling patches.

Research shows that the signs & symptoms of psoriasis usually appear between 15 & 35 years of age. About 75% create psoriasis before age 40. However, it is possible to create psoriasis at any age. After age 40, a peak onset period occurs between 50 & 60 years of age.

Care if you're suffering from Psoriasis
Avoid scratching or itching that can cause bleeding or excessive irritation. Soaking in bath water with oil added & using moisturizers may help. Bath soaks with coal tar or other agents that remove scales & reduce the plaque may also help. Cortisone creams can reduce the itching of mild psoriasis & are obtainable without a prescription.Some people use an ultraviolet B unit at home under a doctor’s supervision.

Basis Facts about Psoriasis
Psoriasis most often occurs on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, face, palms, & soles of the feet; diagnosis may be difficult because psoriasis often looks like other skin diseases. Doctors generally treat psoriasis in steps according to the severity of the disease or responsiveness to initial treatments. This is sometimes called the "1-2-3" approach.

Reports from people with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis are mixed: Some say acupuncture helps their disease while others report no effect. People who try acupuncture & improve say it takes plenty of treatments. Acupuncture has few known side effects.

A dermatologist may prescribe the unit & instruct the patient on home use, if it is difficult for the patient to get to the doctor’s office for phototherapy treatment.

Homeopathic remedies are usually so diluted that they will not cause major side effects. A consultation with anyone trained in this practice will help guide the treatment & ensure your safety.

Psoriasis Treatment by Diet
People with psoriasis are individuals with different backgrounds, habits & medical histories, who respond to substances differently at different times. Moreover, people with psoriasis can have remissions that have nothing to do with changes in diets or treatments. These variables make it difficult to evaluate whether any specific dietary change is responsible for clearing or worsening psoriasis.

Dietary supplementation with fish oil is said to have a variety of favorable effects on both the cardiovascular & immune systems in laboratory animals. Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease, so it follows that fish oil if it alters immune reactivity could improve psoriasis.

The addition or elimination of one substance from the diet can be the remedy for one person & the culprit for another. there is certainly no harm in exploring how diet impacts your psoriasis, as long as your overall health is not compromised.

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